Terrace view & detail
Dreamful landscape and restful journey
The contemporary signature interiors comprise a lounge and a separate dining area for up to six guests and a bedroom with its own terrace outfitted with an amazing lovely view.
Unique emotions with a genuine hospitality
The moment you enter our hotel you can finally press the pause button. We do all we can to give you a carefree stay. Time to catch your breath, and you have a surprising balance between them.

Visiting Lake Como
Deluxe Services
The contemporary signature interiors comprise a lounge and a separate dining area for up to six guests and a terrace with an amazingly lovely view.
News & Events
29 Maggio 2023
Il troppo stroppia
Nella prima stesura di un romanzo si tende a dire più del necessario. E attenzione ai personaggi: tutto quello che è superfluo va tagliato
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